What it was Like to Carry for Intended Parents from China

I get asked all the time what it was like for my family to carry for intended parents from China. My family’s entire journey with these parents was both exciting and rewarding. When we first matched my husband and I anticipated our relationship with these intended parents was going to be business-like but oh my, were we wrong. Our intended parents were very attentive to all my pregnant needs throughout the pregnancy. Our families connected weekly via WeChat, we talked about the babies and life, we all become close. Our communication with a language barrier didn’t seem to bother us. We utilized the translation feature within WeChat as well as an actual translator when we were all in person.

Our intended parents arrived in the states the day before our scheduled c-section with a translator to assist them when needed. The baby's delivery went very smooth and our OB made sure the intended parents were able to be in the delivery room. My husband and I didn’t need translation when we saw them holding their babies for the first time.

China prohibits surrogacy in their county however, families are not prohibited from seeking out such services in other countries. Coming to America was the only option for this family if they wanted to expand their family. It was a magical feeling to assist this family to grow.

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